Networking for People Who Hate Networking Penelope Trunk gives tips on how to network successfully. Her tips are extremely helpful, but seem a bit intense. She mentions how real bloggers spend around 4 hours on one blog post! That is most definitely excessive. There are much better things someone could be doing with their life than writing a couple of paragraphs on a blog. LinkedIn seems like a great way to network. Users can see which of their friends are connected to companies they are interested in working with and can network with them through their friends. It is a much simpler way of networking over the computer than blogging for 4 hours.
Four hours on a blog post seems completely unnecessary. That's four hours that could be spent outside interacting with people in the real instead of on the online world. There needs to be some balance between the real world and the online world.
ReplyDeleteFour hours on a blog post may seem excessive for us, but when this is someone's full time job it seems completely reasonable. They need to provide entertaining and insightful posts so that their readers, and in turn their advertisers, stick around.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ben, but if the blog is just for fun the person is crazy. They should be out in the real world socializing with people not on their computer.
ReplyDeleteIt's important to note that the article said that serious bloggers blog 4 hours a day. That doesn't seem too outrageous for me. I think a big thing that business need to focus on it producing content for their audience to consume. If you are a business spending hours on one blog post, you aren't doing it right. Time should be spent making content and connecting with customers.